An Verelst and Caroline Spaas presented RefugeesWellschool, the Belgian RWS implementation and some preliminary results from the Belgian research during a conference on mental healthcare needs of unaccompanied refugee minors (UMs), organized by the Belgian Platform Kinderen op de Vlucht/Mineurs en Exil and UNHCR. An introduced our RefugeesWellSchool research framework, and talked about the potential role and value of school-based intervention in supporting the mental health in UMs. Caroline continued explaining the way RWS was implemented in Belgium and presented some of Belgium’s preliminary results, rooted in analysis of the preparatory trajectory with schools preceding the implementation of the research and in the baseline assessment.
Spaas, C., & Verelst, A. (2020). RefugeesWellSchool: Psychosociale interventie op school ter bevordering van het welzijn van jongeren met een vlucht- of migratieachtergrond. Presented at the Studievoormiddag: « Naar een sterkere geestelijke gezondheidszorg voor Niet-Begeleide Minderjarige Vluchtelingen », Videoconferentie, 26 Nov 2020.