News and Publications
Find our publications and results of the project. Here you can read about news, scientific publications, policy recommendations, manuals, and reports.

Effectiveness Report
We are very glad to share with you the RefugeesWellSchool report: Findings on how school-based interventions promote migrant and refugee adolescents’ well-being. The report shows the main findings of the RWS cross-national study that implemented five school-based preventive interventions – Welcome to School (WTS), Classroom Drama Workshops (CDW), Peer Integration and Enhancement Resource (PIER), In-Service […]
RWS continues to present at scientific conferences
Scientific collaboration and knowledge sharing is important for the RWS project. This is why RWS researchers make continuous efforts to speak about the RWS study at international and local scientific conferences, seminars and workshops. Caroline Spaas ( KU Leuven) and colleagues presented findings about the mental health profiles of young refugees and migrants at the […]
Implementation Protocols
RWS developed, implemented and evaluated five preventive, school-based interventions to promote the mental health of migrant and refugee youth in secondary schools in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the UK. For each intervention, RWS researchers developed an implementation protocol that took into account the contextual features of the RWS study, as well as the […]
European stakeholders’ meeting
RWS works in close collaboration with many stakeholders in mental health, migration and education on a national and European level. Meeting with the RWS stakeholders, discussing ideas together and building on feedback received from the stakeholders have been an integral part of the RWS project. As the project entered a new phase after analysing some […]
National stakeholder meeting in Norway
Stakeholder meetings are an important part of the RefugeesWellSchool project. The Norwegian team held their national stakeholder meeting in October 2021. Members of the national stakeholder committee in Norway represent students with a migration background and different actors of the educational system: teachers, principals, the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training and the Directorate for […]
Research article: Mental health of Refugee and Non-Refugee Migrant adolescents in schools in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden
One of the aims of the RefugeesWellSchool project is to better understand the mental health profiles of migrant and refugee adolescents in secondary schools in Europe. In this article, the RWS team focused on the cases of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The team asked what role family separation, daily material stress and perceived […]
Research article: The role of schools and teachers in promoting the mental wellbeing of refugee youth in Sweden
RWS has conducted focus group interviews with teachers in schools, and asked several questions around the mental health of refugee and migrant adolescents, and how schools promote wellbeing. The Swedish team explored the roles and challenges that teachers attributed to promoting mental health in Swedish schools. Results indicate that while teachers note the importance of […]
RefugeesWellSchool webinar and workshops
RefugeesWellSchool Webinar & Workshops 21 March 2022 Interventions to promote the well-being of migrant and refugee adolescents in schools The project An EU Horizon 2020 research project, RefugeesWellSchool (RWS) implemented and evaluated preventive psychosocial interventions in schools in order to promote the well-being of migrant and refugee adolescents. The project took place in Belgium, Denmark, […]
RWS findings at conferences and research seminars!
RWS researchers kept on being presenting interesting findings to the public and scientific community in conferences, seminars and other scientific meetings. Throughout many fantastic appearances, they provided an overview of the projects, talked about important research results, and shared their reflections on research design and methodology. Ilse Derluyn (UGent, Belgium) introduced the project […]
RWS Belgium goes back to school!
Relationships with schools are very important to us. RWS have been closely collaborating with many great schools prior, during, and after the implementation of the interventions. Now that schools have become open again, it is crucial for us to keep participating schools updated about the preliminary findings of the RWS study. The Belgian team organised […]
Interesting RWS related BA-MA theses in Finland!
Several Bachelor- and Master theses, utilizing Finnish RWS data, are underway, and students were happy to present their work in semniars. RWS researchers are happy to see the interesting findings Marleena Piikkilä: PTSD symptoms and social relations in adolescence – Associations among native Finns and newcomers Lassi Kallio & Sanna Kleemola: Associations between maternal and […]
Book chapter: The socio-ethical opportunities and dilemmas of doing ‘peer research’ in RWS in Denmark
In this book chapter, the Danish RWS team reflects on and discusses the socio-ethical opportunities and dilemmas of doing ‘peer research’ in RWS. They highlight the different roles and positions researchers took in the research process.* Know more here. *This description is based on the abstract of Primdahl, N. L., Nached, […]