The Belgian team is proud to announce a national publication in the professional-oriented, Belgian journal Welwijs. As a journal, Welwijs aims to support bridges between the fields of education and mental health care. As our RWS project is located at this particular intersection of education, well-being and mental health, Welwijs’ editors invited the Belgian team to contribute an article to the journal. The recently published paper presents central baseline findings from the RWS study and its smaller Belgian pilot, the Rode Neuzen study. It discusses the mental health of refugee and migrant children (Rode Neuzen) and youth (RWS) in Belgian reception education, and perspectives of parents, teachers and adolescents on the role of school in well-being and mental health.
Full reference: Spaas, C., de Smet, S., Derluyn, I., Colpin, H., & De Haene, L. (2022). Zorg op school voor kinderen en jongeren met een vlucht- of migratieachtergrond. De school als sleutelcontext voor een welbevinden onder druk. Welwijs: Wisselwerking Onderwijs en Welzijnswerk, 33 (1), 6-1.