On 21 March 2022, RefugeesWellSchool hosted an all-day conference and workshop to discuss the RWS study findings and provide practical information on the various psycho-social interventions carried out. Here you find some of the presentations that RWS researchers gave during the webinar and online workshops. These presentations offer some resources to understand the nature and background of the RWS project and its interventions, as well as findings on the effectiveness of the RWS interventions, and the tools and resources the project developed.
Overview of the project, presented by Ilse Derluyn
Summary of the Effectiveness Report, presented by Nikolett Szelei
Overview of the RWS tools and resources, presented by Signe Smith Jervelund
Introduction to INSETT, presented by Lutine de Wal Pastoor
Implementing INSETT – Lessons learned, presented by Per Kristian Hilden