RWS teams busy at conferences – List of presentations

RWS teams busy at conferences – List of presentations

The RWS teams have been busy going around in the virtual world and talk to researchers and professionals about our school-based interventions. Find here the full list of our presentations. If you find them interesting and want to know more, drop us an email on [email protected] ! Peltonen, K. (2020): Pakolaislasten ja -nuorten mielenterveys. The […]

The RWS teams have been busy going around in the virtual world and talk to researchers and professionals about our school-based interventions. Find here the full list of our presentations. If you find them interesting and want to know more, drop us an email on [email protected] !

Peltonen, K. (2020): Pakolaislasten ja -nuorten mielenterveys. The lecture series of PERLA – Tampere Centre for Childhood, Youth and Family Research. 3.11.2020. Tampere, Finland.

Peltonen, K. (2020). Learning to trust – Experiences of psychological care among refugee children. In Global Disruptions and Everyday Experiences – 2nd International Symposium on Safety and Security Research: Psychological Aspects of Sense of Security in Trauma, Crisis and Disasters, 10.9.2020 Zoom-virtual.

Primdahl, N. (2020). RefugeesWellSchool: Psychosocial support for adolescent refugees and migrants in schools. CAGE seminar

Primdahl, N. (2020). RefugeesWellSchool: Psykosocial trivsel blandt nyankomne unge i modtagelsesklasser: Et interventionsstudie. At the Danish Refugee Council.

Punamäki, R.L. (2020). Työkaluja kotouttavaan työhön: Sotakokemusten yhteys lasten kehitykseen: Mitä on huomioitava opetuksessa? In Finland ESF-Project and City of Turku, workshop-seminar, 3rd September 2020, Teams-virtual.

Punamäki, R.L. (2020). Psychosocial interventions enhancing sense of security among traumatized adolescents. In Global Disruptions and Everyday Experiences – 2nd International Symposium on Safety and Security Research: Psychological Aspects of Sense of Security in Trauma, Crisis and Disasters, 10.9.2020 Zoom-virtual.

Spaas, C., & Verelst, A. (2020). RefugeesWellSchool: Psychosociale interventie op school ter bevordering van het welzijn van jongeren met een vlucht- of migratieachtergrond. Presented at the Studievoormiddag: “Naar een sterkere geestelijke gezondheidszorg voor Niet-Begeleide Minderjarige Vluchtelingen”, Videoconference, 26 Nov 2020.

Spaas, C., & De Haene, L. (2018). Psychosocial interventions for adolescent refugees and migrants in schools: the classroom drama therapy program. Presented at the 1st Annual CESSMIR Conference: Needs and Care Practices for Refugees and Migrants, Ghent, Belgium, 17-19 Sept 2018.

Soye, E. (2020). Reconseptualising ‘integration’: A research journey. School of Education and Social Work, University of Sussex.

Soye, E. (2020). Exploring influences on adolescent identities in contexts of migration and displacement. Centre for Public Policy Research, Kings College London.

Soye, E. (2020). ‘But I’m not a migrant’: Exploring psychosocial process of identity construction among young people in contexts of migration and displacement. St Mary’s University.

Soye, E. (2019). Contextualising social support for adolescent migrants and refugees: An ethnographic study in UK. Centre for Innovation and Research in Wellbeing, University of Sussex.

Soye, E. (2019). Young people’s experiences of intercultural contact in diverse and diversifying UK schools. Institute for Research into Superdiversity, University of Birmingham.

Soye, E. (2018). Young migrants and refugees in UK school: Identity, relationships and psychosocial support. Article 26 8th Annual Conference, Kings College London.

Watters, C. & Soye, E. (2018).Peer Interaction and Enhancement Resource (PIER). Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees, Ghent University.