Welcome to our Brand Guidelines!

Welcome to our Brand Guidelines!

Here you will find all the guidelines, rules and the available resources for the RefugeesWellSchool brand. It's for you to use it in a project, event or merchandising. Please use it responsibly.

This style guide was created for RefugeesWellSchool colaborators, but we hope it’s helpful for other content and communication events too.

RefugeesWellSchool exists to give refugee children the tools and support they need to build a better future for their lives.

In everything we do, we aim to promote:

  • Well-being
  • Togetherness
  • Collaboration
  • Empathy
  • Growth

In order to achieve this we make sure to be:

  • Pragmatic
  • Earnest
  • Positive
  • Progressive
  • Clear

The Logo

Download the EPS logo, or the PNG logo.

Welcome to our Brand Guidelines! 1 Refugees Well School


We aim to communicate clearly. Therefore we chose to use Roboto from Google fonts as our brand typeface. And because balance is important, tittles should employ Roboto Thin, and general text should employ Roboto Light. Our logo font is also from Google fonts and it is called Poor Story.

Our Colors


2239 C


135 C

2029 C

2065 C


2397 C

137 C

2032 C

217 C

337 C

121 C

2344 C

7436 C

566 C

155 C

7606 C

5245 C

7476 C

7553 C

7516 C

5185 C